Large 2 Bedrooms Apartment for Rent at 6800 Cote Saint Luc

$ 2.250 /month


This magnificent 2 bedrooms apartment offers a spacious and comfortable living environment in a highly desirable location. With its modern features, convenient amenities, and proximity to all necessities, this apartment is perfect for those seeking both style and convenience.

*Close to many schools and universities, perfect for family and students

*Fully renovated unit with new floors, modern kitchen, fancy bathrooms and more

*Situated in a prime location with accesible transportation and to a wealth of aminities

*Inclusion:Fridge, Stove, Dishwasher, Washer, Dryer, Heatin and Hotwater

Available on July 1st



  • ID: 7508
  • Published: 2022-08-26 14:21:46
  • Last Update: 2023-06-07 17:39:44
  • Views: 2109